How long have ETN been organizing this kind of activity?
This is the first summer camp that we organize in China, but for over 20 years we have been creating and managing learning paths abroad that involve thousands of young people.
Group leaders
How many group leaders will be involved?
There will be one group leader (likely teacher of English) every 10 students. The teacher will accompany the students from the departure airport and will be with them throughout the whole experience;
Who manages the camp?
The camp is managed by ETN and Only Education staff;
Is it possible to have the group leader's telephone number?
Yes, the telephone number will be provided before the departure;
How can I communicate with my kid?
Internet will be accessible from host families, schools and hotels in Beijing. In addition, contact numbers will be provided for any eventuality;
Who will accompany the students during the cultural visits?
The students will always be accompanied by group leaders, English language teachers and local staff;
Are the host familes located near the school?
Shanghai is a very large city, so closeness is relative. However, students will always move with private means provided by the school;
At the weekends when the particpants will be with the families, will there be the English course?
English course is from Monday to Friday; however at weekends there will be activities to allow students to practice with the language;
What will participants eat?
The meals will always be a buffet style of both Chinese and Western cuisine, so there will be a wide choice according to partcipants’ allergies
How are host families selected?
Families are chosen through a careful selection process by ETN and Only Education. We try to match participants with families who share common interests.
Are there any pets at home?
There could be: in case of allergies or other it should be indicated in the form for families;
What do participants need to bring with them?
Ai partecipanti sarà inviato un “Kit pre-partenza” con dei consigli su cosa portare in valigia e molto altro;
How will they move from Shanghai to Beijing?
The participants in the summer camp will reach Beijing with a super fast train (5 hours);
Health issue and more
Is medical assistance provided?
Yes, medical assistance is provided and included in the program;
How much pocket money do the students have to bring?
The price is all inclusive with expections of students “whims”. For example, ice cream costs 5RMB (0,70 euro);
Are the classes organized according to the level of English?
Yes, the students will attend classes according to their level of English, certified with an entry test;
Where are the particpants come from?
The campus will be attended by Chinese and Euroepan students;
At the end of the campus, will be issued a final certificate?
Yes, at the end of the course a certificate from Shanghai University will be issued.